Vision: A Tobacco Free Life for all Floridians
Mission: Working to protect all Floridians from the dangers of inhaled nicotine and secondhand smoke exposure, through evidence-based tobacco prevention and cessation programs, with an emphasis on youth and other vulnerable populations.
Lecanto, FL 34461
Phone: (352) 287-2872
Email: [email protected]
Provider Name: Seth Welfel
We will review your email and reply within 2-3 working days.
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The mission of the Tobacco Free Partnership of Citrus County is to mobilize community partners to establish long-lasting system and policy changes that promote tobacco-free social norms to prevent usage of tobacco products by youth/young adults, eliminate the hazards of secondhand smoke, and decrease the number of deaths due to tobacco products.
Students Working Against Tobacco is a statewide youth organization working to mobilize, educate and equip Florida youth to revolt against and de-glamorize Big Tobacco. Citrus currently has one community based SWAT club and one school based SWAT club at St. Pauls Lutheran School, which make up our county SWAT Chapter.
This program is managed by .