Make a plan and set a quit date today

The first step is understanding your quit plan. Tobacco Free Florida is here with free tools and resources to help you on your quit journey.


Learn How To Quit

Quitting tobacco is different for everyone, and there are many ways to quit. Tobacco Free Florida offers free tools and services to help you explore your options and see which method could work for you.

Resources To Help You QuitCarrot-3

Set a Quit Date

Choosing a specific date is a great way to set yourself up for success. It’s something real to keep you motivated, and something you can share with family and friends. Choosing the right time is important, and we’re here to help. Ready to get started?

Choose Your Quit DateCarrot-3

Quit Tips & Tricks

Your chance at success can look better with the right preparation and support. Here are some things you can do, manage, avoid and look forward to during your quitting process.

Learn some tricks to quitCarrot-3

Nicotine Replacement & Other Quit Aids

If you are reading this, you no doubt understand quitting is hard. Quit aids, such as nicotine replacement products, can help you quit smoking by reducing withdrawal symptoms and cigarette cravings. Using these medications can double your chances of quitting for good. Try our Quit Your Way program, which offers free nicotine patches, gum or lozenges.

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Nicotine Triggers & Cravings

Triggers in your daily life, like a stressful moment or driving, can lead to cigarette cravings. Preparing for events that can trigger these cravings will help make your quit journey easier.

Learn MoreCarrot-3

Talk to Your Doctor

Did you know that working with a healthcare provider such as a doctor, dentist, or pharmacist can greatly increase your chances of quitting smoking for good? Schedule a visit with your healthcare provider and explain to them that you want to quit tobacco and you’d like their help.

Talk to Your DoctorCarrot-3



Not everyone quits tobacco on the first attempt. But smokers can and do quit smoking even after slipping or relapsing. In fact, today, there are more former smokers than current smokers in Florida. So although the road ahead may seem impossible, remember that many others have been where you are today and have succeded.

Let’s try again!Carrot-3