

Florida Department of Health
Bureau of Tobacco Free Florida

Vision: A Tobacco Free Life for all Floridians

Mission: Working to protect all Floridians from the dangers of inhaled nicotine and secondhand smoke exposure, through evidence-based tobacco prevention and cessation programs, with an emphasis on youth and other vulnerable populations.

Contact Us

Address: 1021 Health Park Drive
Moore Haven, FL 33471
Phone: (863) 265-6040
Email: [email protected]
Provider Name: Teresa Coco

We will review your email and reply within 2-3 working days.
Thank you.

Partnership Information

The Glades County Tobacco Free Partnership helps to improve the health of Glades County residents and all Floridians, by educating the public on all issues as they relate to tobacco and advocating for positive tobacco reform.

County SWAT Information

The Glades County SWAT Chapter has school-based SWAT clubs at Moore Haven Middle High School and West Glades School. SWAT is looking for dedicated YOUth to rise up and help stop the tobacco industry from callously taking money and lives. JOIN today!

County Data

The Glades County Tobacco Free Partnership is motivated by data trends (2020 Florida Youth Tobacco Survey), related to youth tobacco use, including e-cigarettes and other vaping devices. Click on "Youth Tobacco" in FLHealthCHARTS to view FYTS data.

Local Initiatives

Events Calendar

About Us

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