Vision: A Tobacco Free Life for all Floridians
Mission: Working to protect all Floridians from the dangers of inhaled nicotine and secondhand smoke exposure, through evidence-based tobacco prevention and cessation programs, with an emphasis on youth and other vulnerable populations.
Sebring, FL 33870
Phone: 863-441-5101
Email: [email protected]
Provider Name: QuitDoc Foundation
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The Tobacco Free Partnership of Highlands County coordinates tobacco prevention efforts throughout Highlands County. The primary goal of the group is to create local tobacco-free policies.
SWAT is Florida's statewide youth organization working to mobilize, educate and equip Florida youth to revolt against and de-glamorize Big Tobacco. SWAT is a united movement of empowered youth working towards a tobacco free future.
The Tobacco Free Partnership of Highlands County is a coalition of community members actively working to reduce youth access and exposure to all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes and other vaping devices.
This program is managed by QuitDoc Foundation.