While the Florida Clean Indoor Air Act protects employees from secondhand smoke in some indoor worksites, countless Floridians are not protected due to their jobs. Adopting a tobacco free worksite is an easy and cost-effective way to improve employee health, and a company’s bottom line.
Tobacco free worksites protect employees from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke, can encourage current tobacco users to reduce their use, and help those who are trying to quit. 1 It’s an opportunity for employers to reduce the negative impact of tobacco on their employees and their business.
Plus, scientific evidence paints a clear picture of the effects of tobacco use on workplace productivity. Each year, cigarette smoking costs the United States more than $298 billion in workplace productivity. 2 But it’s not just lost productivity that affects businesses – the increased health care costs of having employees who smoke is another factor. For an employer, insuring someone who smokes costs about $2,000 more every year than insuring a nonsmoker. 3 Between losses in productivity and extra health care costs, an employee who smokes can cost a business about $6,000 per year. 4 Additionally, some insurance companies offer substantial discounts on life, disability and medical insurance policies for nonsmokers. Not to mention, tobacco free worksites can also result in lower fire and property insurance premiums.
While there are financial benefits, helping your employees make a positive, life-changing decision could be worth more. Helping employees along their quit journey is a valuable way to repay their hard work and dedication. Tobacco Free Florida staff is available in each county to counsel employers on including resources to help employees quit smoking in their health insurance packages. Interested employers can then initiate conversations with health plan providers to strengthen cessation coverage in their current benefits.
Tobacco Free Florida has free tools and services to help your employees quit smoking. These services can double to triple their chances for success. Free nicotine replacement therapy – like nicotine patches, gum and lozenges – is also available for your employees if they qualify. Encourage your employees to visit tobaccofreeflorida.com/quityourway and/or call 1-877-U-CAN-NOW (1-877-822-6669) to sign up or learn more.
Download the Quit Your Way Worksite Toolkit (Metro)
Download the Quit Your Way Worksite Toolkit (Rural)
Download the Benefits to Quit Worksite Toolkit (Metro)
Download the Benefits to Quit Worksite Toolkit (Rural)
Download the Tobacco Free Grounds Timeline (Metro)
Download the Tobacco Free Grounds Timeline (Rural)
1 Hopkins DP, Razi S, Leeks KD, Priva Kalra G, Chattopadhyay SK, Soler RE, et al. Task Force on Community Preventive Services. Smoke-Free Policies to Reduce Tobacco Use: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2010;38(2 Suppl):S275–89
2 Potential Costs and Benefits of Smoking Cessation: An Overview of the Approach to State Specific Analysis.” Rumberger, J; Hollenbeak, C; Kline, D. Penn State, 2010
3 Behan, D.F.; Eriksen, M.P.; Lin, Y., “Economic Effects of Environmental Tobacco Smoke,” Society of Actuaries, March 31, 2005. https://www.soa.org/ccm/content/areas-of-practice/life-insurance/research/economic-effects-of-environmental-tobacco-smoke-SOA/?printerFriendly=1
4 Berman M.; Crane, R.; Seiber, E.;Munur, M. “Estimating the Cost of a Smoking Employee.” Tobacco Control. June 2013. https://ucanr.edu/sites/tobaccofree/files/175136.pdf.