
Embrace For Both – Spanish

Nadie debería consumir productos de tabaco, y no existe un nivel seguro de exposición a la nicotina. Sin embargo, la época cercana al embarazo es un período especialmente importante para considerar los beneficios que la prevención y el abandono del tabaco generan en la salud....

Cessation and Barbershops

In a day and age when we are constantly bombarded by messages from several different directions and channels, it is critical for public health initiatives to find new ways to break through the noise and provide education, care and support....

Embrace For Both

No one should use tobacco products, and there is no safe level of exposure to nicotine. However, the time around a pregnancy is an especially important period to consider the health benefits of tobacco prevention and cessation. ...

Mental Health Equals Mental Wealth

With mental health increasingly becoming a topic of discussion, Tobacco Free Florida is launching Mental Health Equals Mental Wealth to inform about tobacco’s disproportionate impact on people diagnosed with mental and behavioral health conditions, educate about the benefits of quitting and highlight the free cessation...

Tobacco Free Florida Celebrates 15 Years of Success

Tobacco Free Florida is celebrating 15 years of success as Florida’s tobacco education, cessation and use prevention program. Launched in 2007, Tobacco Free Florida provides free services to help Floridians quit smoking and funds a media outreach campaign to communicate with people all across the...

What is PMTA?

Under federal law, including Section 910(b) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act, any company looking to launch and market a new tobacco product in the United States must submit a Premarket Tobacco Product Application (PMTA) to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  Passed in 2007, the...

Little Cigars are a Big Issue

The cigarette smoking rate has seen a huge drop over the years. In the 1950’s nearly half of all Americans had smoked cigarettes, today it’s fewer than 1 out of every 6 adults. This drop has come as we learn more about the health risks...